
Other reports and publications

Brochure - detailed explanations of the legal framework on the protection of the minors rights, basic human rights and minimum technical and organizational working conditions (only in Serbian language)

Publications produced during the EU/CoE project – JUFREX

The Independence and functioning of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media in Serbia, and assessment using the INDIREG methodology

Media regulatory authority and hate speech

Regulatory authorities for electronic media and medial literacy 

European co-regulation practices in the medija, comparative analysis and recommendations with a focus on the situation in Serbia

Media regulatory authorities and protection of minors

Publications produced during the EU/CoE project – JUFREX2

Political Advertising: A Comparative Study with Reflections on the Situation in South-East Europe

Publication on Media Literacy (only in Serbian language) 

Medijska pismenost | REM (

Media regulatory authorities and media pluralism 

Publications produced during the EU/CoE project – PROFREX

Study on Serbia's Regulatory Authority’s Legal Framework and its Alignment with European Standards

Analyses, studies and recommendation within the Mediterranean Regulatory Authorities Network (MNRA)

Study on Equality between men and women in the sport programmes through audiovisual media services 2017

Analysis on on the news coverage of gender-based violence in Serbia and Study on the news coverage of gender-based violence in the Mediterranean audiovisual area 2019

Recommendations On Media Coverage Of Gender Violence

Presence and representation of women in daily news programmes 2024


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